Electronic Medical Records Scanning
Healthcare professionals: Did you know there’s money available from the government to Medicare and Medicaid eligible professionals (EPs) to upgrade to electronic health records (EHR) and electronic medical records (EMR) technology?
Resource Data Management, serving Trenton, can help you get these incentives and upgrade your health records. The money was included as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
To learn about our medical records scanning process, please click here.
Benefits of EMRs/EHRs to Trenton Facilities
- Quicker Patient Charting
Since health information will be stored electronically through an electronic health records system, you’ll be able to finish patient charting much faster. Since as much time won’t be spent charting patients, you’ll have increased efficiency and able to schedule more patients. - Decreased filing errors
Most paper records are not backed up in another location, so electronic medical records lessens the danger of losing valuable health information in the event of an emergency. You’ll have the ability to back up your system on a daily basis. - Reduced costs to physicians
By migrating your patient information to digital, you’ll be able to reduce expenses at your Trenton practice. You can eliminate unnecessary staff expenses and storage costs, as electronic medical record and electronic health record storage takes up less space and are more easily accessible than paper records. - Less paperwork
This will be especially a boon to your patients. They won’t need to fill out new papers every time they visit your office. And your office staff won’t have to try and transcribe your writing, as everything will be an electronic system. - Fewer prescription drug errors
Prescriptions can be sent directly to the pharmacy electronically, and the medication will be compared to the patient’s medical history. So, if the medicine could cause an allergic reaction in the patient or interact negatively with other medications, you’ll know right away!